Puff Puffed Puffing Time

A pipe collector as my father was and his fathers mother had been,
a walk with three pipes adorning my chest in hopes to share a puff with a friend.
Fox apologizes for speaking in third person, I do not know what came over Fox. Perhaps all this fame, prize gooses and smokey has gone straight to his furry antlered noggin. Egg Nog... can't wait.
Herringbone Blazer: Very Old heirloom, a Harris Tweed, top button missing and it is fine.
Pipes: Nat Sherman Fifth Ave
Clock Tie: Vintage Brooks Brothers of Course.
Oxford: J. Crew.
Surcingle Belt: Jack Spade.
Khakis: Jack Spade.
Penny Loafers: Allen Edmonds Kenwood.
Who needs a pocket square when there is a much more functional option! Absolutely adore your blog, and looking forward to future posts.